1 man/ 1 year/ 100 games: Week one


The first week of 2015 has come and gone, and my goal of completing 100 games by year’s end has begun. I have a little over three and a half days per game to finish my goal. Of course, those times will change from one hour per game, one day per game or even two weeks per game. Now, with these time frames you would think I would start playing first thing January 1st.

I wasted the first few days of 2015 watching TV and thinking about what I wanted to play first. Something retro or something modern? A game that would require tons of time of a short romp of a game. I did intend to start a certain current gen game but couldn’t find the power cord for my Xbox One (turns out it was packed away in my Xbox 360 box). The game I ended up choosing had been in front of me the whole time.

The Adventures of Batman and Robin for the SNES is a game I’ve wanted to own for a very long time. I have very faint memories of playing the game many years ago. I don’t know where or how I had played it but I only remembered it was a beat em’ up. The thing that stopped me from purchasing it now was the price. It seemed to vary from around $70 loose to as low as $40.

Luckily, I got a great deal on it from a friend that was lower than any eBay price. Since I had just picked it up before the New Year it was sitting on my Hyperkin Retron 5. I fired it up and was surprised how good the graphics hold up til today. The nostalgia of the cartoon series of the same name came rushing back to me. So I sat there and played for about an hour only making it to the second stage boss, Poison Ivy. That’s where I got kinda stuck and I turned it off due to other commitments. Does this feel rather anti-climactic? Well it is.

I started The Adventures of Batman and Robin on January 4th and last played it January 4th. That was the first game of 2015 I started and I only played it for a short burst of time. I fully intend to go back and finish it but I spent the rest of the week, again, thinking about what to play next. Hopefully, the weeks to come are more productive. This resolution might turn out to be more difficult than I had expected.

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