Board James plays Weapons and Warriors (1993)


In James Rolfe’s long-running series Board James, the internet star plays the 1993 medieval board game– Weapons & Warriors in the fourth episode. In the video, James sets up and plays a full game of the epic action adventure game with his cheating friend, Motherfucker Mike.

Each player has a base with 5 or 6 targets (some require multiple hits or hitting things in order). You also have about 10 men and must arrange a man on each target, then place the rest on various grey dots on your base. Each player has mechanisms to shoot little balls– such as catapults and crossbows. Each player take turns shooting 2-6 balls (depending on the die roll) at each other’s targets. You continue to take turns until you wipe out all of your enemy’s targets.

Check out the full episode right here:

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