NES QUEST pt.19: My top five rarest, most valuable cartridges


Now that my first year of the NES Quest is coming to an end, it’s time to take a look at my top ten rarest and most valuable cartridges.

This list was taken straight from my NES Collector app by PureGaming, which isn’t always perfect when it comes to pinpointing games’ value and rarity. But overall, the app definitely provides some insight about its users’ NES collection. So I figured this was still worth sharing.

As you might notice, none of my games are outrageously rare or valuable. Lemmings was a game that I received earlier this year in a trade. It’s known among other collector friends as being very difficult to find, although I wasn’t able to track any official numbers about how many cartridges were produced or sold.

As for valuable games, Mega Man 6 has been selling recently for about $45, while Legend of Zelda (one of the most popular and mass produced games for the console) sells for between $15 and $22. Mega Man 2 and 4 both seem to sell for generally at least $25. So the rankings with this app isn’t perfect, but for broad purposes, it’s still a respectable list:

Most rare:

  1. Lemmings
  2. Pirates!
  3. Simpsons: Barman Meets Radioactive Man
  4. Adventure Island II
  5. Batman Returns
  6. Bible Adventures
  7. Black Bass
  8. Bubble Bobble
  9. City Connection
  10. Cobra Triangle

Most valuable:

  1. Mega Man 6
  2. Legend of Zelda
  3. Mega Man 4
  4. Mega Man 2
  5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Manhattan Project
  6. Lemmings
  7. Mega Man 3
  8. Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
  9. Bubble Bobble
  10. Super Mario Bros 2

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