NES QUEST pt. 24: Care package from Dano


There’s nothing like a care package from a fellow retro game collector– especially when it helps you knock off two more games from your NES wanted list. This package includes two more common games from the NES library: John Elway’s Quarterback and Blades of Steel.

After Dano sent the games, he mentioned to me that Blades of Steel was one of his favorite NES games. I could relate, because even though I have not interest in modern sports games, I’ve always loved the sports games of the 8-bit era. Super Dodge Ball and Tennis are two of my personal favorite games for the original Nintendo.

Before, I had never played Blades of Steel. In fact, I assumed that I already had it, considering that I see it at almost every retro game store. I’m definitely excited to play it. John Elway’s Quarterback is another sports game for the NES that I had never played, but I probably won’t be playing it much.

This trade brings my collection from 257 to 259 NES games. For the rest of the entries of NES Quest, check them out right here on Retro Chronicle.


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