NES QUEST pt. 25: My top five most wanted games


Despite having collected for the NES System for about two years, I still haven’t found even some of the more basic and once common NES titles that I’ve been looking for. But that’s one of the things that makes NES collecting so exciting.

The reason why certain games are much higher on my wanted list than others falls into two categories: games with high collector value and games with high play value. This seems pretty self-explanatory. So without further ado, here are my current top five wanted NES games:

  1. Little Samson. How has this game not been ported or remade in the last 23 years? Little Samson was published by Taito Corporation, which was known for releasing some quality titles. From the creative level design and bright colors to the Mega Man-like game-play, I’ve heard so many great things about this hard-to-find gem. So I’m excited to be able to play it one day.
  2. Mega Man 1 and 5. While I haven’t given the NES titles enough love in recent years (I prefer the Mega Man X series), I’ve committed much of my early NES collecting days to tracking down the other four titles. What I have left to find are the two rarest and most expensive, which is usually how that goes.
  3. Super Dodge Ball. This one might surprise some of you. But this was one of my favorite games when I first had an NES and for whatever reason, I haven’t been able to find it yet. The graphics are funny and the game-play is addictive. I also highly recommend the game’s sequels on the Game Boy Advance (Super Dodge Ball Advance) and Nintendo DS (Super Dodgeball Brawlers).
  4. Flintstones Surprise at Dino Peak. I want this game for the same reason that I want Little Samson– I’ve heard it fantastic and it’s really hard to find. Also a Taito game, it is believed to have been released exclusively to Blockbuster Video as a rental title, although there’s no evidence of that.
  5. The rest of the black box games. Gamers who love the NES console already know that the black box games are some of the best and highest-quality. Despite many of them being very simplistic, they’re extremely fun. Tennis for example is one of my very favorite NES games. It’s straightforward by also really relaxing and fun. Most were released early in the console’s lifespan. Some of the black box games that I need include: Popeye, Urban Champion, Wrecking Crew and Clu Clu Land.


Currently, my collection consists of 259 NES games. My 2015 goal is to have 450 NES games in my collection with at least five of them being valued at $100 or greater. For the rest of the entries of NES Quest, check them out right here on Retro Chronicle.


  • Hey! Just found this blog and wanted to say I’m really enjoying it! I’m on a similar quest, started collecting NES games a few months ago, only up to 76 games, though, but slowly building. I also collect Retro toys, board games, and vinyl albums. But I’m focusing my time and resources on NES games. But I really enjoy seeing your game pickups. Makes me want to go out and hunt!

    Jason Kaphingst February 28, 2015 11:15 pm
    • Thanks so much for the comment, Jason! I’m glad you enjoy the blog; I enjoy writing it. I also collect board games and vinyl records, but NES games are my bread and butter.

      barryfallsjr March 3, 2015 1:26 pm