Board James plays Electronic Dream Phone (1991)


In James Rolfe’s long-running series Board James, the internet star plays the 1991 deduction children’s board game– Dream Phone in the 19th episode. In the video, James plays the game with long-time collaborators Motherfucker Mike and Bad Luck Bootsy.

The objective of the game is to figure out which boy from a large list likes you, based on minor clues given through a fake electronic phone. Players’s draw a boy’s Photo card and call his number on the electronic touch-tone phone the listen to a clue about their Secret Admirer’s clothes, sports, foods, or special hangouts. Then search the gameboard to identify who it is and who it isn’t.

The first person to call figure out who their secret admirer is wins the game. This Board James episode is horror-themed, juxtaposing the girly nature of the board game. Although James and Mike are hesitant to play the game, they admit that it’s a fun game that requires deductive reasoning.

Over the years, the game has been a collector’s item. Currently, the game is valued at around $75 to $100 used or $250 brand new. But if you’re diligent, you could get lucky and find one at a thrift store or garage sale. Check out the full episode right here:

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