Clueless Gamer: Conan reviews Kinect Star Wars for XBOX 360


In the latest entry to Conan’s long-running series, “Clueless Gamer,” Conan reviews Kinect Star Wars for XBOX 360.

Using the controller-free Kinect system, the player stands in front of the television and uses hands to lift and throw objects with the Force or wield a lightsaber, uses body movement to control starfighters and podracers, or uses a voice component to make additional commands.

The series is especially entertaining, as Conan isn’t exactly a fan of video games. So the video is less of a traditional review and more of a first-impressions gameplay video with the sarcastic commentary that fans of Conan have come to expect.

Kinect Star Wars was released in April 2012 for the XBOX 360.

To check out more Clueless Gamer, click right here. Check out the video right here:


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