Board James plays Battle Masters (1992)


In James Rolfe’s long-running series Board James, the internet star plays the 1992 fantasy board game– Battle Masters in the 15th episode. In the video, James sets up the game with Motherfucker Mike and jokes about how massive the playing board is– it takes up about 25 square feet.

The back of the board game box reads:

Welcome to the world of Battle Masters – the epic game where you command mighty armies locked in a legendary conflict of good versus evil! The noble Imperial Army is ready to meet the Forces of Chaos. You and your opponent must strategically guide 25 army units, featuring over 100 finely-detailed figures, across the gigantic 4 1/2′ X 5′ Battle Mat. Beware! Ditches, marshes, river fords and the great Border Tower lie before you.The battle unfolds as each turn of a Battle card tells which army units can move and which can attack. Will your army be victorious, or will your opponent destroy you? Who will survive the battle and win the game? The fate of the Empire is decided by you, the Battle Masters!

Over the years, the game has been a collector’s item. Currently, the game is valued at around $75 to $100 used or $250 brand new. But if you’re diligent, you could get lucky and find one at a thrift store or garage sale. Check out the full episode right here:

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