Board James plays Donut Disaster (1992)


In James Rolfe’s long-running series Board James, the internet star plays the 1992 children’s board game– Donut Disaster in the 12th episode. In the video, James plays the game with long-time collaborators Motherfucker Mike and Bad Luck Bootsy. Unlike some earlier episodes, this video is presented as a performance rather than a strict review.

The objective of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all your donuts by placing them on the soft rod on top of the temperamental donut-making machine before the machine explodes and sends everybody’s donuts flying. If it goes off on your turn, try to catch as many donuts as you can so you don’t get stuck with them.

Perhaps the best part of this episode is the song, which was written for the episode by Bootsy Spankins (Bad Luck Bootsy). Bootsy writes many of the Board James tunes and they’re always super catchy. Check out the full episode right here:

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