GAME/SHOW: A Defense of Cheating in Videogames


Can cheaters have a positive effect on the world of gaming? The people at PBS-funded webseries, GAME/SHOW discusses this topic in their latest episode.

Arthur Chu’s recent Jeopardy streak got us thinking: what is a cheater, and are they really all that bad? Cheaters can be infuriating, but they actually may be a positive force in gaming. Instead of breaking the rules, they manipulate them to their benefit, and expose aspects of the game that had been previously ignored.

So should we be encouraging cheating?

In August of 2013, PBS kicked off a brand new weekly web series called GAME/SHOW, hosted by gamer and reporter Jamin Warren. The show provides relevant commentary on the current state of the video game industry in the same style as other PBS-funded web series such as Idea Channel.

You can follow GAME/SHOW on Twitter at @pbsgameshow or on Facebook. If you have suggestions, ideas or feedback about the program, send them to [email protected].

Check out Game/Show’s take on the role of cheaters in video games right here:

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