GAME/SHOW: Are You Weird if You Play as the Opposite Sex?


Are you weird if you play as the opposite sex? The people at PBS-funded webseries, GAME/SHOW discusses this topic in their latest episode.

Are you weird if you’re a guy who likes to play as a female avatar? Or a woman who likes to play as a male character? It’s not unusual for gamers to play avatars that look nothing like them, often even playing as the opposite gender. But why do we decide to do this? Is it about winning? How other players treat you? Or is it a reflection of identity?

The anonymity of videogames makes them safe spaces to explore gender options. At the same time, gender swapping can allow you to use to your advantage the sexism already in existence. So, is it really that weird to gender swap?

In August of 2013, PBS kicked off a brand new weekly web series called GAME/SHOW, hosted by gamer and reporter Jamin Warren. The show provides relevant commentary on the current state of the video game industry in the same style as other PBS-funded web series such as Idea Channel.

You can follow GAME/SHOW on Twitter at @pbsgameshow or on Facebook. If you have suggestions, ideas or feedback about the program, send them to [email protected].

Check out Game/Show’s take on what it means playing as the opposite sex right here:

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