Is this Target label proof of Majora’s Mask on 3DS coming this year?


Instagrammer and YouTuber “Nintendo Collecting” uploaded this photo this morning of a Target price tag with the words “3DS THE LEGND OF ZELDA: M.M” printed on the label. The photo was taken in Burlington, Ontario, where an employee pointed out the strange occurence to the game collector. The label was placed in the 3DS section with a price tag of $44.99, which is $5 more than other standard edition 3DS releases.

A scan of the UPC shows a release date of December 31, 2014, which is frequently what retailers will post when a game company has announced that a game will come out in 2014 but hasn’t specified a date. Neither the date, nor the name, cover art or price are official at this point.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is a sequel to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64), which was also remade on the 3DS in 2011 and had sold 1.08 million units worldwide as of 30 June 2011– two weeks after the North America release. Fans have since campaigned for a similar remake of Majora’s Mask.

With Nintendo sales waning, it’s likely that the gaming giant will aim to have the game on shelves by the holiday season.


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