Nintendo Inquirer to auction custom amiibo for charity


In a new program called “Customs for a Cure,” Amiibo News and Nintendo Inquirer have teamed up to auction off hand-customized amiibo for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to aid in the fight against childhood cancer. The event will take place in July.

The above custom Samus figure was painted in a sparkling burnt orange and pink and was sealed with a glossy finish. The amiibo will be available resealed in the original Samus amiibo packaging. The bottom of the package is signed by the artist.

According to Nintendo Inquirer,Christopher Avalos, better known as Evilos, is a professional custom artist out of Burbank California. He has worked with Sony, Disney, Mattel, Toys ‘R’ Us, Wizard World and many other companies in more than 20 years of his career. His work has been shown on TV and in books and print; and he’s been featured in many toy collectible podcasts and blogs.

This particular auction will be a part of a bigger event. Customs for a Cure will feature auctions, giveaways and raffles leading up to the main event: a live 24 hour charity stream hosted on Twitch. Stay tuned to Nintendo Inquirer for more information.

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