Region-free Toad and Bowser-themed Wii Remotes Available


For all you collectors looking to add to your Nintendo character-themed collection of Wii remotes, there are two new remotes available– Toad and Bowser. These two controllers  are exclusive to Japan but playable on U.S. consoles and available from third-party sellers on Amazon.

Fortunately, Wii remotes are not region-locked, which means that you can use Wii remotes from any territory on any Wii or Wii U console. These also come with Wii Motion Plus, which allows it to capture complex motion more accurately.

Other special-edition Nintendo Wii Remotes include:

You can order the Toad-edition remote (here) and the Bowser-edition remote (here). Featured photo taken from More pictures of the controllers and box art:


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