Vadu Amka’s develops a Tetris-themed Game Boy


Now one of the greatest Game Boy games of all time has its own carefully-crafted console modification. This piece was made using bronze, copper and acrylic paints.

According to Amka’s blog, he only works with damaged, retro consoles. Other incredible mods from the artist include: a Final Fantasy-themed Super Famicom, a Metroid-themed Game Boy Advance and Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages-themed Game Boy Color.

The unusual hobby of customizing classic gaming consoles has exploded over the past few years, with many artists selling personalize, made to order (and often expensive) customized classic game consoles. For many nostalgic artists, old game consoles provide the ideal surface to show off their creativity.

Check out more console modifications right here on Retro Chronicle. Also be sure to check out Vadu Amka’s blog where he discusses how he crafts these various pieces of console art.

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