Yard sale/thrift store haul pt. 9: Guitar Hero edition DS Lite, graphing calculators and boxed Zelda game


[To check out more of my yard sale and thrift store hauls, click right here.]

After finishing my finals for my first summer semester, I was ready to pop some tags. Unfortunately, it was rainy on Friday night and a bit misty on Saturday morning. So I was able to hit up about ten yard sales and one thrift store. At the time, I had limited spending money (about $80) and I wanted to spend about half on items for myself and half on items to flip on eBay.

While I wasn’t able to find much to flip, I did find a couple items that made driving around early on my Saturday off worth it. Here’s what I found:


Television seasons on DVD: $8


These were in a box full of about 100 DVDs. When I come across a huge lot of DVDs, I usually prioritize what I look for. First I scan for Disney movies to flip– especially the classics like Peter Pan or Lion King and also Pixar. Then I look for blu ray movies to add to my personal collection. Then I look for television series for flipping on eBay or for my fiancee who’s a bit of a television nut.

As you can see, I didn’t find any Disney movies or blu ray movies for my collection. But I did find these nine seasons, with Mad About You and Felicity including the complete series. I went ahead and offered $8 for all nine seasons, because I got the feeling the seller was just looking to get rid of everything.

As soon as  I pulled away, I text my fiancee about my purchase and sure enough, she was looking for the complete series of Mad About You. So that will be added to our permanent collection and Felicity and Sons of Anarchy will be flipped on eBay, probably for about $45.

[To check out more of my yard sale and thrift store hauls, click right here.]


Sealed PS2 controllers: $10 each


I’m a weird collector. Often when my friends see the kind of games that I look for to add to my retro collection, they give me a weird, judgmental look. One thing I love to collect is boxed gaming accessories– especially sealed controllers.

The electronics store that I frequent sells sealed controllers for $10 whenever they come in. I’ve purchased XBOX controllers before that ended up being worth $50 to $60 and a silver PS2 controller valued at $30. These are probably worth about $20 to $25 after I clean up the white smudge on the outer case.

After adding these to the collection, I’ll only be looking for the green PS2 controllers. If you’re looking for PS2 controllers, make sure they’re Sony brand. The sealed knock off variants look just like the Sony brand controllers.


Boxed Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons: $25


Legend of Zelda is one of those rare series that has successfully developed awesome titles both on home and portable consoles. Unfortunately, my Zelda collection is almost all home console titles. But I did have a boxed copy of Oracle of Ages, so I’ve been on the lookout for its twin.

This one was 100 percent complete and in mint condition, so I was happy to fork up $25. Like Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, this game boxed is worth about $50. Now, I’m looking for Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, the Game Boy Color director’s cut, Minish Cap, Spirit Track and Phantom Hourglass.


Graphing calculators: $3


I bought these from the same yard sale as the TV seasons on DVD. I always look out for graphing calculators, because they sell for high and quickly. And they’re easy to ship.

Last week, I sold two graphing calculators– one for $45, the other for $65. Those were nicer and in better condition. So I was excited to see these sitting in the corner. I asked how much, she said $2 each, I asked for $3 for both. Now, I will try to sell them both together for $45.


Guitar Hero edition DS Lite: $20


Interestingly, I was close to purchasing this DS Lite on eBay a week ago for $40. I’ve gotten into collecting DS Lite consoles a lot recently. So after I compiled a list of every variant to know what to look for, I tried to find if any of the limited editions were on eBay for cheap.

This console was $30, so I asked if it came with any games. This usually makes the seller reconsider the value of the console, since you can’t play or test a console without games. The guy ran inside and picked up one loose Star Wars DS game.

For whatever reason, people at yard sales never have handheld games in their cases. But I was happy with any bonuses. I asked for $20 since it was later in the day, meaning many people had visited the yard sale and nobody had purchased it. Whenever I’m two or three hours into my yard sales, I’ll sell what’s left for anything.  He accepted the offer and I carried on.


[To check out more of my yard sale and thrift store hauls, click right here.]


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