Best Buy’s Gamers Club Unlocked price lowered to $30


Featured photo by: Nicholas Eckhart.

Beginning March 8, Best Buy’s Gamers Club Unlocked costs just $30 to become a member for two years. Sporatically for the last year, Best Buy has had temporary sales for the Gamers Club Unlocked for $30 and recently made the decision to make it the permanent price. Previously, it was $99.99.

Here are the perks:

  • 20 percent off new physical video game software (After three new titles, the membership has paid for itself)
  • 10 percent bonus trade-in credit on video game software
  • 10 percent off pre-owned video game software
  • 2x My Best Buy points for every dollar spent on new video game software, digital gaming and game accessories
  • 2 My Best Buy points for every dollar of video game software traded in
  • Special one-time-use welcome coupons
  • Exclusive offers

This should be of particular interest to Nintendo fans. With Gamers Club Unlocked, amiibos are 20 percent off, making them all $10.40. And when Best Buy offers amiibo for a discounted price of $9.99, the amiibo become $8.00 total.

According to  who leads media relations for the southwest United States, gamers are among Best Buy’s most dedicated customers and while Gamers Club Unlocked was already popular and well-regarded in the gaming community, the company wanted it to be more accessible.

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