Board James plays Mr. Bucket (1991)


In James Rolfe’s long-running series Board James, the internet star plays the 1991 children’s action game– Mr. Bucket in the eighth episode. This video also stars Motherfucker Mike and Bad Luck Bootsy. Instead of a linear review video, this episode involves a horror movie-inspired narrative, in which the pre-school game is possessed by a testicle-hungry monster.

Mr. Bucket is a plastic, motorized bucket with a cartoonish face and a large mouth. To play the game, Mr. Bucket is placed on the floor in an open area. Each player takes a colored shovel, and 12 balls (4 for each player) are placed on the floor nearby.

Mr. Bucket is then turned on and he begins moving, jingling and circling the floor. Players must immediately try to scoop up a ball that matches their color shovel and quickly drop it into Mr. Bucket. They must hurry as Mr. Bucket will spit balls out of his mouth almost as fast as the players can put them in. The first player to get all of his or her balls into Mr. Bucket wins.

James Rolfe has created a lot of great horror shorts in the past. So getting to see projects that combine the Board James persona with a horror story is a lot of fun. For the collectors of classic games, Mr. Bucket is still affordable considering its age. You can order a copy right here.

Check out the full episode right here:

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