NES QUEST pt. 28: Trade with Justin


A few weeks ago, I posted on my Instagram page a few things that I had for trade, including one boxed copy of Iron Tank for the NES. Justin, a fellow retro game collector on Instagram, sent me a picture of a stack of games that he had for trade, including two NES games that I needed– DynoWarz and Athena. We sealed the deal. And within a week, the trade was complete.

DynoWarz has one of the coolest label art I’ve ever seen. There’s a blue, futuristic-looking space knight shooting a laser gun into a red dinosaur’s mouth and out of the back of his head. It really doesn’t get more badass than that.

Athena is a platform arcade game, produced and published in 1986 by SNK. It has some pervy appeal. The original box art depicts a mostly naked woman warrior. And the plot reads: “Upon landing, unarmed and mostly nude, the princess only has her kicks to fend off the approaching monsters, but she may collect the dead enemies’s various weapons and also has the chance to find shields, headgear and armor to cover her body.”

Thanks for the trade, Justin! This trade brings my collection from 272 to 274 NES games. For the rest of the entries of NES Quest, check them out right here on Retro Chronicle.



  • Athena is on my short list of games to get yet – it’s not a great game, but I remember playing it a ton at my friends house. There was one level we couldn’t get past, as you had to make this long jump that seemed impossible, and with no internet at the time, we had no clue how to pass it. Before I die, I’m going to get past that level and beat that game. 🙂

    Jason Kaphingst March 5, 2015 5:45 pm
    • I feel the same way about Ghostbusters. I remember playing it at a friend’s house, but I got stuck on a level where you had to jump a car over this gigantic hole. I must have tried and failed a hundred times.

      barryfallsjr March 5, 2015 5:59 pm