Yard sale haul pt. 3: DS games, snapback, DVDs and a vintage lamp


[Read all of my yard sale hauls right here.]

It’s community yard sale season in my area, which means I’m hitting up about 50 yard sales and garage sales every Saturday at the break of dawn. Of course I’m not going to hit the jackpot every weekend. The last couple of Saturday’s have been so-so, but I still figured I’d upload a couple of my finds.

OBEY snapback: 25 cents


If you’re into flipping at yard sales and thrift stores, snapbacks can be huge sellers. Do your research and figure out what name brands, sizes and sports teams are worth flipping. If you find the right hats, you could make a lot of money.

I wasn’t sure about this one when I bought it, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to give it a short for a quarter. Turns out, it’s worth about $15. I’ll most likely throw it in a medium-size box and accumulate some other valuable snapbacks similar to this one and sell them all together.

Vintage North Carolina Tar Heels lamp: $2


In the past, I’ve had luck selling vintage sports memorabilia for local sports teams, primarily University of North Carolina Tar Heels and Duke University official athletic items. For example, I once picked up a stack of vintage Tar Heels license plates for a dollar (25 cents each), and I managed to sell them together for about $30.

The problem with this item is that it’s large, so it requires a large box. So I’ll most likely wait to find a few more vintage Tar Heel items and sell them together in a lot.

Loose DS games: 75 cents


I find a lot of loose video games, including DS games and disc-based games. This has always been really puzzling, because to me, I remember always meticulously keeping all of my games in organized cases whenever I wasn’t playing them.

These games actually weren’t out when I came to this yard sale. But I noticed that there were 12 year old boys helping out with the yard sale, and I made sure I asked their parents if they had any games for sale. The boys ran inside and came back with these DS games, and the mom asked a quarter each for them, as they were covered with Sharpie markings.

Fortunately, I was able to get all of the markings off of them. According to Price Charting, these are worth about $25 to $30 total.

Assorted video games and movies: 45


If you’ve kept up with my past posts, you probably know that video games and Disney movies are my bread and butter. So I was excited to pick up these great titles, all in great condition.

I added Killzone, SXX 3 and Ratchet: Deadlocked to the collection. I moved Resident Evil 2 and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (I own them both already) along with Dynasty Warriors 4 (I don’t collect Greatest Hits versions of games) to the trade pile. And the Disney movies will be sold either over the summer or closer to the holiday season.

The total value of the games add up to about $70, and I should be able to fetch about $7.50 each for the Disney movies. This brings the total of this lot to about $105. 


[Read all of my yard sale hauls right here.]


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