NES QUEST pt. 36: $400 in trade credit all spent on NES games


In Collecting tip #13 (part 2), I discussed my recent experience removing $1,000 worth of unwanted games from my collection and trading them at a local game store for $500 worth of gaming goodies (and a couple blu ray movies). I allocated $100 towards non-NES games, which included Metroid Prime Trilogy, Seaman (Dreamcast) and Birdman on blu-ray. I spent the remaining $400 in store credit all on NES games.

NOTE: Also pictured in this photograph is Adventure Island II. Unfortunately, this was a duplicate purchase. As I looked over my NES list, I saw Adventure Island and Adventure Island 3. But since Adventure Island 2 uses the roman numeral II, instead of the numerical 2 (like Adventure Island 3), the games appear out of order in an alphabetized list. Fortunately though, another collector friend was in need of Adventure Island 2, so I gave it to him.

This was one of the most fun experiences I’ve had collecting in a long time! $400 in credit just for NES games at a store that had tons of NES games was like a dream. And when that also means getting rid of a ton of unwanted games at the same time made it all the better.

I brought my NES list to the store this time. Usually, I’ll just reference my list on my phone. But since I was spending over an hour at the store (mostly waiting for the store employees to test and calculate the value of everything), I knew bringing a printed list would make everything so much easier. I ended up leaving the store with 22 titles from my wanted list.

The cheaper games included:

  • Gun.Smoke
  • Ghoul School
  • Alien 3
  • Town & Country II: Thrilla’s Surfari
  • Life Force
  • Star Trek 25th Anniversary
  • Trog
  • Magic Darts
  • Werewolf
  • Dragon’s Lair
  • Peter Pan and the Pirates
  • American Gladiators
  • Phantom Fighters
  • Mario is Missing
  • Wayne Gretzky Hockey
  • Tom and Jerry

The less common games included:

  • Battletoads
  • Jackie Chan’s Action Kung FU
  • North and South
  • Mario Bros
  • Captain America and the Avengers
  • Baseball Stars II

My trip to this game store marks the first time in a while that I was able to add any note-worthy games to the NES collection– since NES QUEST pt. 32. And it was also the first time in a few months that I used store credit to pick up NES games. During a time when it’s increasingly difficult to find NES games in the wild, experiences like this one make collecting, especially NES collecting, awesome.

This haul brings my collection from 308 to 330 NES games. For the rest of the entries of NES Quest, check them out right here on Retro Chronicle.



  • Awesome haul! Still looking for a battle toads myself! And thanks for adventure island II!

    Robert Fowler July 1, 2015 4:46 pm