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yard sale haul
Yard sale haul pt. 14: Always ask sellers for what you’re looking for
11 years ago
Thrift store haul pt. 13: NES and Wii box, Tetris tabletop game, and Newcastle and Hornets glass
11 years ago
Yard sale/ thrift store haul pt. 12: DS Lite, vintage cameras and NES cartridges
11 years ago
Yard sale/thrift store haul pt. 11: Graphing calculators, K-cup holder and video games
11 years ago
Yard sale haul pt. 10: Boxed Intellevision, NES and Odyssey 2 games and accessories
11 years ago
Yard sale/thrift store haul pt. 9: Guitar Hero edition DS Lite, graphing calculators and boxed Zelda game
11 years ago
Yard sale/thrift store haul pt. 8: Boxed Game Boy accessories, Beatles record and Playstation games
11 years ago
Trift store haul pt. 7: Tetris edition Jenga, Jungle Green N64 and new record player
11 years ago
Yard sale/thrift store haul pt. 6: Lego board game, Gamecube and handheld electronics
11 years ago
Thrift store haul pt. 5: NES, N64 games, electronic dog collars and 1997 medieval board game
11 years ago
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